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(178964) Qmlativ Future Scheduling Part 1 – Course Master Maintenance Online Session
March 12
Description: This 2.5 hour, online ZOOM session, is a hands-on session is for Qmlativ entities to begin preparing for Next Year Scheduling. Districts must have completed the initial Pre-processing steps prior to users attending this session. Qmlativ features pertinent to Next Year Scheduling will be discussed, such as pre-processing and cloning the Master Schedule, updating Courses in preparation for Request Processing and Student Mass <a href="http://Scheduling. br/br/Zoom" target="_blank" title="Scheduling.
Zoom Model: For this ZOOM session (to fully participate we recommend having a headset with Mic or speakers and mic on the computer), and to ensure you receive the maximum benefit from your attendance, please find a quiet place while attending this session allowing you to fully participate without <a href="" target="_blank" title="interruption.
Target Audience: Administrative staff responsible for Course Master maintenance (e.g., Registrar, Counseling Secretary, Counselors).
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